New Horizons is our provider of choice for educational training. The staff in their Anaheim, CA facility have always been courteous and professional. If you can fit it into your training budget, I'd highly recommend using them as your education provider. -- Martin Zapata, former New Horizon's student.
Study guides for ISDS 265 -The Study Guides located here are for past Information Systems students who were studying the following book edition:
INFORMATION SYSTEMS TODAY | Managing in the Digital World
Valacich & Schneider | 3rd Edition
ISBN 1-256-30141-5
Study Guide(s) for MGMT 516 -The Study Guide(s) located here are for past Ops Mgmt students who were studying the following book edition:
OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT | Contemporary Concetps and Cases
Schroeder, Goldstein, & Rungtusanatham | 5th Edition
ISBN 978-0073-403380-0
Group Project for FIN 517 - The project site provides insight into our Corporate Finance analysis of Fluor in 2012.